Ballena Bay or Eden Islet | Go Galapagos
Santa Cruz Island

Ballena Bay or Eden Islet

Ballena Bay or Eden Islet  Gallery

More about  Ballena Bay or Eden Islet

Great sandy beach, varied marine life.

The perfect spot to enjoy our water activities of snorkeling, kayaking or the glass-bottom boat. Expect to see lots of fish species including king angelfish, surgeonfish, parrotfish, damsels, rays, and sharks. From the land portion of the visit, there will be sea lions and basking marine iguanas with herons and turtles in the mangrove areas. We might even discover some antique ceramic relics left behind by previous settlements.[:es]Gran playa de arena, variada vida marina.

El lugar perfecto para disfrutar de nuestras actividades acuáticas de snorkel, kayak o el barco con fondo de cristal. Espere ver muchas especies de peces, como pez ángel rey, pez cirujano, pez loro, damiselas, rayas y tiburones. Desde la parte terrestre de la visita, habrá leones marinos e iguanas marinas disfrutando con garzas y tortugas en las zonas de manglares. Incluso podríamos descubrir algunas reliquias de cerámica antiguas dejadas por asentamientos anteriores.

  • Type of Terrain: None
  • Physical Conditions Required: Low
  • Activities: 1 hour deep snorkeling / 45 min dinghy ride
  • Highlights: Great place for swimming, snorkeling or kayaking. Abundant marine life.

Suggested Items:

  • bloqueador
  • botella
  • camara
  • lentes
  • repelente
  • short
  • snorkel
  • sombrero
  • traje
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