Pit Craters | Go Galapagos
Santa Cruz Island

Pit Craters

Pit Craters  Gallery

More about  Pit Craters

A visit to the collapsed, twin sinkholes (Gemelos) puts us in a stunning forest of the endemic tree-forming Scalesia. Apart from the dramatic scenery, this area is well known for its diversity of passerine bird species.

  • Type of Terrain: Flat
  • Physical Conditions Required: Low
  • Activities: 45 min bus ride / 2-hour hike
  • Highlights: Spot the vermillion flycatcher in a hike through the Scalesia forest.

Suggested Items:

  • baston
  • bloqueador
  • botas
  • botella
  • camara
  • lentes
  • repelente
  • sombrero
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