Wellness: Your good habits shouldn't stop at the holidays. | Go Galapagos

Wellness: Your good habits shouldn’t stop at the holidays.

Your Galapagos Legend expedition can also be an exploration and connection with yourself.

Your Galapagos Legend expedition can also be an exploration and connection with yourself.

It is true that the idea of ​​traveling means resting from work, daily tasks, even the habits that we maintain in our daily lives. However, the internal journey, that of seeking mental and physical well-being, has become an unforced one, one that we feed daily with our practices, awareness and attention, that is why it is important to find spaces in our destinations to be able to practice them.



Wellness Center Galapagos Legend GO Ecuador Quito Cruceros masajes relajacion 7


The Galapagos Legend expedition seeks that the exploration is not only in the places that are visited with the cruise, but also an interior one. When you connect with the animals you see on excursions (walks), with the turtles and sea lions with whom you swim in the sea. The exploration during yoga in the morning while enjoying the first rays of light, with the breeze of an infinite sea. There is the pampering that we can give ourselves with a hot stone massage or a workout session in the gym overlooking the sea. The peace that we absorb in these activities during the trip we take, floods our moments when we return home.


Wellness Center Galapagos Legend GO Ecuador Quito Cruceros masajes relajacion 6


The Galapagos Legend’s wellness center completes the experience. The connection that you will achieve in the sea, in the lava of the islands, in the paths among a great vegetation, with the sunsets that paint the skies and the clear starry nights that allow us to see beyond the stars that we see daily. Everything comes together so that you return home, not only with incredible memories, but also renewed, whole and well.

You’ve waited long enough. Go explore.

If you want to know more about the cruise, you can click here


Wellness Center Galapagos Legend GO Ecuador Quito Cruceros masajes relajacion 4

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