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Isabela Island

AM: At the far end of a long level hike, we arrive at a strange phenomenon where large blocks of coral lie completely exposed after a dramatic geological uplift in 1954. Located at the western base of Alcedo Volcano, we hope to run into a few impressive land iguanas and some volcanoes endemic to Galapagos […]

Santiago Rabida

AM: The black volcanic sand sets this landing apart from most, it’s best known for the dramatic shoreline where we meet a host of species that chose to live between land and sea. Among these are the endemic Galapagos fur seals, which maintain a small colony at the end of our walk. PM: Lying at […]

Galapagos Mosquera

AM: Departure from either Quito or Guayaquil to Baltra Island is a 2 1⁄2 hour flight. Upon arrival in the Galapagos, passengers are greeted at the airport by our knowledgeable guides who will accompany them on a short ten-minute bus ride to the pier where they will board the Galapagos Legend. PM: This tiny, low-lying […]

San Cristobal Island La Galapaguera

AM: In the moist highlands of San Cristobal, we will visit the giant tortoise breeding center “La Galapaguera” to witness the most iconic creature of the archipelago in its various life stages. The aim of the reserve is to help restore populations of the threatened San Cristobal tortoise back into the wild. In town, there […]