Otavalo Wellness (Only for groups) | Go Galapagos

Otavalo Wellness (Only for groups)

[:en]Day 1: Quito – Lago San Pablo –Parque Condor – Sacha Ji
We start our journey headed to Imbabura, to visit the Parque Condor which is a sanctuary for a variety of birds of prey including our national animal the Andean Condor.  Learn more about the birds inhabiting the highlands, their protection, conservations, and threats. At our arrival at the Sacha Ji hotel, recharge your energy with the peaceful sceneries of the Imbabura Volcano and the San Pablo Lake.

Visitors can choose among various healing therapies such as massages, group therapies or to go with traditional Andean ceremonies.

Day 2: Sacha Ji – Otavalo Indigenous Market – Quito
Early in the morning, we will start the day with yoga lessons in Sacha Ji hotel followed by a healing and cleansing rituals.  We will be headed to Otavalo, between green pastures of the highlands.  Walk through the famed craft market of Otavalo, which is the most famous and picturesque in South America. For visitors, the market offers the possibility of approaching Ecuadorians at a more intimate level as you negotiate prices of a variety of woven goods, bags, hats, flutes or simply appreciate the skillful and generous people responsible for the elegance and beauty of the clothing and handicrafts.

After a shopping day in Otavalo, we return to Quito.[:es]Día 1: Quito – Lago San Pablo – Parque Cóndor – Sacha Ji
Comenzamos nuestro viaje rumbo a Imbabura, para visitar el Parque Cóndor, que es un santuario para una variedad de aves rapaces, incluido nuestro animal nacional, el Cóndor Andino. Aprenda más sobre las aves que habitan las tierras altas, su protección, conservación y amenazas. A nuestra llegada al hotel Sacha Ji, recargue su energía con los paisajes pacíficos del Volcán Imbabura y el Lago San Pablo.

Los visitantes pueden elegir entre varias terapias curativas, como masajes, terapias grupales o ir con ceremonias andinas tradicionales.

Día 2: Sacha Ji – Mercado Indígena Otavalo – Quito
Temprano en la mañana, comenzaremos el día con clases de yoga en el hotel Sacha Ji seguidas de rituales de curación y limpieza. Nos dirigiremos a Otavalo, entre pastos verdes de las tierras altas. Pasee por el famoso mercado de artesanías de Otavalo, que es el más famoso y pintoresco de América del Sur. Para los visitantes, el mercado ofrece la posibilidad de acercarse a los ecuatorianos a un nivel más íntimo al negociar los precios de una variedad de productos tejidos, bolsos, sombreros, flautas o simplemente apreciar a las personas hábiles y generosas responsables de la elegancia y la belleza de la ropa y artesanías

Después de un día de compras en Otavalo, regresamos a Quito.[:]

Ecuador Tour Packages

City Pack Cuenca

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Folkloric show & Legend at night - JACCHIGUA BALLET

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Colonial Quito & Middle of the World Complex

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Colonial Quito, Middle of the World & lunch

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Peru Express

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Papallacta Hot Springs

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Mindo – chocolate, cacao & coffe tours

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Baños - Gateway to the Amazon

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Casa del Suizo

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Cuenca, its Traditions & Ruins

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Family Themed Parks

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Quito & its Highlights

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Colonial Quito & Dinner

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Transfer IN or OUT (Airport - Hotel or vice versa)

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Pathway through The Andes & Baños descending to the Coast

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Guayaquil & Its Museums

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Colonial Cuenca & its Museums

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Highlights of Ecuador & descending to the Coast

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Highlander: Otavalo & across The Andes to the Coast

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Guayaquil & The Historic Park

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Cultural Cuenca & its Handicrafts

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Otavalo Indigenous Market

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Pathway through The Andes & Baños descending to the coast

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Quito Transfer IN (Airport - Hotel)

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Northern Andes, Otavalo, “Chaski Route” & Train

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Otavalo & Karanki Magdalena Community Cultural Connection

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Otavalo Indigenous Market – Chaski Route & Liberty Train

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Quito traditional & its Gastronomy

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Mindo Orchids & Birdwatching within Cloud Forest –Alambi

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Antisana - Home of the Andean Condor

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Cuenca – Sigsig – Gualaceo – Chordeleg – Orchid farm

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Transfer IN or OUT (Airport - Hotel or vice versa)

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Sacha Lodge

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Tropical Hacienda & its Flora and Fauna

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Highlander: Otavalo & Across The Andes to Cuenca

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City Pack Guayaquil

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Cotopaxi National Park & Quilotoa Lagoon

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Quito - Wine & Roses

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Papallacta Hot Springs & Antisana Ecological Reserve

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Volcanoes, The Highest Andes & Indigenous Communities

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Otavalo indigenous community & Chaski Route

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Chaski Route –– Mindo Cloud Forest –– Middle of the World Complex

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Guayaquil and its fountain lights

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Pathway through The Andes & Baños

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INCA - Cañari Ruins of Ingapirca

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Chaski Route & Otavalo treasures

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El Cajas National Park & its lagoons

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Pathway through the Andes from the Pacific Coast

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Volunteer Program at the Karanki Magdalena Community

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City Pack Quito

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Guayaquil & Botanical Garden

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Colonial Quito

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