Tropical Hacienda & its Flora and Fauna | Go Galapagos

Tropical Hacienda & its Flora and Fauna

[:en]Our journey starts in a ride towards the different haciendas that make up the views in the motorway.  Observe various plantations of banana, cocoa, sugar cane and rice fields that are some of the key products produced in the coastal areas.  Arriving at the hacienda, we will learn more about the process of each product, from the crop to the packaging.  We will explore the montubio life, farmers that work these lands, their colorful customs, traditions, and a delicious lunch.

Enjoy of the best produce of the Ecuadorian coast with natural surroundings and trying different and exotic types of fruits.  Also, there will be a small visit to learn more about cattle ranching amid the green views.[:es]Nuestro viaje comienza en un viaje hacia las diferentes haciendas que conforman las vistas en la autopista. Observe varias plantaciones de plátano, cacao, caña de azúcar y campos de arroz que son algunos de los productos clave producidos en las áreas costeras. Al llegar a la hacienda, aprenderemos más sobre el proceso de cada producto, desde el cultivo hasta el empaque. Exploraremos la vida del montubio, los agricultores que trabajan en estas tierras, sus costumbres coloridas, tradiciones y un delicioso almuerzo.

Disfrute de los mejores productos de la costa ecuatoriana con un entorno natural y pruebe diferentes tipos de frutas exóticas. Además, habrá una pequeña visita para aprender más sobre la ganadería en medio de los paisajes verdes.[:]

Ecuador Tour Packages

Volcanoes, The Highest Andes & Indigenous Communities

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Quito & its Highlights

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Mindo Orchids & Birdwatching within Cloud Forest –Alambi

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Guayaquil & The Historic Park

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Colonial Quito & Middle of the World Complex

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Highlander: Otavalo & Across The Andes to Cuenca

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Cotopaxi National Park & Quilotoa Lagoon

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Colonial Cuenca & its Museums

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Transfer IN or OUT (Airport - Hotel or vice versa)

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Cuenca – Sigsig – Gualaceo – Chordeleg – Orchid farm

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Quito - Wine & Roses

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Colonial Quito

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Guayaquil and its fountain lights

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City Pack Cuenca

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INCA - Cañari Ruins of Ingapirca

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Family Themed Parks

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Chaski Route –– Mindo Cloud Forest –– Middle of the World Complex

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City Pack Guayaquil

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Pathway through The Andes & Baños descending to the coast

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Guayaquil & Botanical Garden

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City Pack Quito

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Chaski Route & Otavalo treasures

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Cuenca, its Traditions & Ruins

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Antisana - Home of the Andean Condor

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Colonial Quito & Dinner

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Pathway through The Andes & Baños

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Peru Express

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El Cajas National Park & its lagoons

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Papallacta Hot Springs & Antisana Ecological Reserve

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Casa del Suizo

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Highlights of Ecuador & descending to the Coast

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Quito traditional & its Gastronomy

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Otavalo Wellness (Only for groups)

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Quito Transfer IN (Airport - Hotel)

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Cultural Cuenca & its Handicrafts

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Guayaquil & Its Museums

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Otavalo & Karanki Magdalena Community Cultural Connection

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Volunteer Program at the Karanki Magdalena Community

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Papallacta Hot Springs

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Otavalo Indigenous Market – Chaski Route & Liberty Train

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Otavalo Indigenous Market

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Folkloric show & Legend at night - JACCHIGUA BALLET

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Mindo – chocolate, cacao & coffe tours

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Otavalo indigenous community & Chaski Route

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Colonial Quito, Middle of the World & lunch

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Baños - Gateway to the Amazon

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Transfer IN or OUT (Airport - Hotel or vice versa)

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Pathway through The Andes & Baños descending to the Coast

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Northern Andes, Otavalo, “Chaski Route” & Train

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Sacha Lodge

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Pathway through the Andes from the Pacific Coast

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Highlander: Otavalo & across The Andes to the Coast

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